Small Profound Things

Montages are the best part of  ‘moving pictures’ story-telling… Something about removing the barriers of time and grasping the whole. They create a big picture of small details.

I cried.

Best and Worst

Best Thing of Today
HL washed up, put away the groceries, screwed the front door back on its hinges properly, and got the phone fixed – all on his day off

Worst Thing of Today
Pompous arrogance of people who think that just because they’ve been given a tv platform they should spout self-righteous foolishness to all and sundry – ppfffftt

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
Vague irritation at work…couldn’t quite put my finger on why, but felt kinda prickly

Best Thing of Today
Lots of lovely groceries…the grocery shopping process is tedious and annoying, but the end result is satisfying

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
An irrational, disrespectful, discourteous, irate, berating man first thing at work this morning

Best Thing of Today
Etsy in spi ra tion

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
So tired that the alarm didn’t wake me, it just entered my dream as a radio that would NOT SHUT UP

Best Thing of Today
Fruit and vege shopping with HL, and then coffee and carrot cake for afternoon tea…simple joys

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
Being alone all day

Best Thing of Today
Being alone all day

Toads and Witches and Childhood Angst

When I was a child I had 3 or 4 quite prominent warts on the side of my little finger on my left hand. They disappeared as I grew older, but I can feel them now as I think of it. It was something I was terribly ashamed of, and I despised anyone holding my hand for fear – entirely warranted – they would shrink away, or ask if I’d been touching toads, or scream that I would give them warts. All of those things happened at one time or another, until I was so paranoid that I felt the ‘horror’ of the warts was the only thing anyone could see on my whole hand.

I used to rub them with the thumb of my other hand: not sure why – checking to see if they had gotten smaller, to see if I could rub them away, to focus on my ‘flaws’ because that’s all I could think of – all those things I suppose. I just found myself  rubbing that finger now, unconsciously, even though they have been gone for years.

I tried all kinds of remedies, over the years, to remove them; banana peels, bandaids (to keep out the oxygen), various creams and ointments from the chemist, cutting them out with scissors…nothing worked, and the remedies were frequently painful. The memories of the very specific pain from the cutting, the sight of the blood, the pale, washed-out look of them after removing another bandaid, are very clear, but I can’t remember what ultimately caused them to go. I have a vague memory of a doctor’s implement embedding itself again and again into them, so I suppose they were frozen, but it seems odd that I can remember having them so clearly, but the memory of the removal of them is so fuzzy.

I even hated the word, and I still don’t use it very often (like I’m avoiding it right now). I felt stigmatised, and every time there was a conversation about witches, or toads, or anything else that could be associated, I shrank a little, hoping that no-one would look at me. It seems very silly and overblown now, but I was deeply self-conscious about it then.

Just recently, a close friend and I happened to get to talking about warts and she mentioned that she had had warts in exactly the same place, as a child, and that they, also, had gone away. I was amazed, but even more so when we compared our hands as they currently are, and found a couple of tiny, barely noticeable, warts in, again, exactly the same places as each other.

I have one wart on a finger joint on the palm side of my right hand, that appeared just a few years ago. I often find myself unconsciously rubbing this one in the same way I did as a child, but, this time, strangely, I like it. It’s a quirk that reminds me I’m me.

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
The expected day off for HL turned into an unexpected day’s work

Best Thing of Today
Pottering – little bit of laundry, little bit of jigsaw-assembling, little bit of washing up, little bit of tv, little bit of internet browsing, and etc.

Best and Worst

Best Thing of Today
A clean house, fresh linen napkins, fancy china and takeaway Chinese food

Worst Thing of Today
Persistent smotheriness

Best and Worst

Best Thing of Today
Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book

Worst Thing of Today
The blahs

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
Being on the receiving end of a guilt-trip

Best Thing of Today 

Best and Worst

Best Thing of Today
1st hot cross bun of the season – melty-buttery, sultanary goodness

Worst Thing of Today
Can barely see my kitchen for the dirty dishes – tant pis, I’m going to bed

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
Bleary-eyed stumbling out of bed in the dark, dark, dark…yay Mondays

Best Thing of Today
Tinned peaches, lime jello, and custard

Best and Worst

Best Thing of Today
Long, ‘catch-up’ phonecalls

Worst Thing of Today
Bloody Telstra…can barely hear a thing on the phone through the screeching static

I certainly would not choose that now…

I changed the sheets on our bed today. The clean sheets that went on were a set that we brought with us when we moved from Seattle. We bought them only a couple of years after we were married, and they reminded me of the ‘Bed in a Bag’ set of linen that we received as a wedding gift (chosen from our wedding registry): burgundy & green paisley…

I’m astounded when I think back to who I was 10 years ago. The changes over that, relatively short, period of time seem huge when looking back, but seemed imperceptible while they happened.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

I have been in absentia for so long that I was scared to log back in. As though it might have imploded from the nothingness, or, possibly, the tumbleweeds that have been blowing around in here might have banded together, raised a sentient grass army, and staged a successful coup. However, apparently my fears were groundless, and the worst that’s confronted me is more concrete evidence of my current blogging lethargy.

Ah well, ‘failure’ is becoming less and less of a big deal in my mind, so…I’m over it.

Quick summary in no particular order: wine and cheese, local drama productions, lies, mis-trust, forgiveness, weekend brunch, job changes, Danny Bhoy, new baby (not ours)…umm…too hard to construct the last two weeks any more completely than that. If I don’t record it, it’s gone, other than vague recollections, punctuated by flashes of clear memories.

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
Running out of time

Best Thing of Today
Watching my parents play on the Wii Fit *grin*

Also, awesome, fierce thunderstorm

Also, HL mowed the lawn (before the thunderstorm – yay!)

Best and Worst

Best Thing of Today
Hearing about a friend’s trip to Africa, and how God is leading her family

Worst Thing of Today
Driving out of the driveway to Bible Study and waving to HL as he was driving into the driveway from work

Best and Worst

Best Thing of Today
Picking some new fish, and a new dining room table, and a new BBQ, and new outdoor furniture with HL…didn’t actually make any decisions, but just looking made us feel productive

Worst Thing of Today
Kitchen was clean (thanks HL) and now it’s a disaster (cooking dinner and a double portion of coconut banana loaf makes a big mess)

What Wii Have Been Doing

(This is not HL.)

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