Best and Worst

Best Thing of Today
HL washed up, put away the groceries, screwed the front door back on its hinges properly, and got the phone fixed – all on his day off

Worst Thing of Today
Pompous arrogance of people who think that just because they’ve been given a tv platform they should spout self-righteous foolishness to all and sundry – ppfffftt

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
Vague irritation at work…couldn’t quite put my finger on why, but felt kinda prickly

Best Thing of Today
Lots of lovely groceries…the grocery shopping process is tedious and annoying, but the end result is satisfying

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
An irrational, disrespectful, discourteous, irate, berating man first thing at work this morning

Best Thing of Today
Etsy in spi ra tion

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
So tired that the alarm didn’t wake me, it just entered my dream as a radio that would NOT SHUT UP

Best Thing of Today
Fruit and vege shopping with HL, and then coffee and carrot cake for afternoon tea…simple joys

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
Being alone all day

Best Thing of Today
Being alone all day

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
The expected day off for HL turned into an unexpected day’s work

Best Thing of Today
Pottering – little bit of laundry, little bit of jigsaw-assembling, little bit of washing up, little bit of tv, little bit of internet browsing, and etc.

Best and Worst

Best Thing of Today
A clean house, fresh linen napkins, fancy china and takeaway Chinese food

Worst Thing of Today
Persistent smotheriness

Best and Worst

Best Thing of Today
Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book

Worst Thing of Today
The blahs

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
Being on the receiving end of a guilt-trip

Best Thing of Today 

Best and Worst

Best Thing of Today
1st hot cross bun of the season – melty-buttery, sultanary goodness

Worst Thing of Today
Can barely see my kitchen for the dirty dishes – tant pis, I’m going to bed

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
Bleary-eyed stumbling out of bed in the dark, dark, dark…yay Mondays

Best Thing of Today
Tinned peaches, lime jello, and custard

Best and Worst

Best Thing of Today
Long, ‘catch-up’ phonecalls

Worst Thing of Today
Bloody Telstra…can barely hear a thing on the phone through the screeching static

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
Running out of time

Best Thing of Today
Watching my parents play on the Wii Fit *grin*

Also, awesome, fierce thunderstorm

Also, HL mowed the lawn (before the thunderstorm – yay!)

Best and Worst

Best Thing of Today
Hearing about a friend’s trip to Africa, and how God is leading her family

Worst Thing of Today
Driving out of the driveway to Bible Study and waving to HL as he was driving into the driveway from work

Best and Worst

Best Thing of Today
Picking some new fish, and a new dining room table, and a new BBQ, and new outdoor furniture with HL…didn’t actually make any decisions, but just looking made us feel productive

Worst Thing of Today
Kitchen was clean (thanks HL) and now it’s a disaster (cooking dinner and a double portion of coconut banana loaf makes a big mess)

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
HL having to stop the car to throw up multiple times as we were driving home after dinner with friends

Best Thing of Today
We made sushi…I’m almost certain the Best and Worst Things are unrelated – hope so

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
Can’t remember…too many glasses of wine

(edited to add: all glasses of wine now out of my system, and still can’t think of a ‘Worst Thing’)

Best Thing of Today
All day was awesome (drunk blogging – so eloquent)

(edited to add: we had a good day: late brunch with requisite excellent coffee and newspaper; much pleasant shopping; many hours spent trying out our new Wii Fit; steamed sweet corn, sautéed fresh asparagus and steak in red wine and pepper sauce for dinner; good wine; and connecting)

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
HL unexpectedly had to work an extra 2 1/2 hours tonight, which put a bit of a crimp in our evening’s plans

Best Thing of Today
This evening is the start of the first weekend in months that HL doesn’t have to work

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
There was an interruption at work nearly every 20 seconds today (that’s my conservative estimate) – there is no possibility of having any head space

Best Thing of Today
Dinner made by HL, after he cleaned the kitchen from last night’s meal preparation

Worst and Best

Worst Thing of Today
Shouting and disrespect

Also, cat vomit all through a pile of clothes and our wicker laundry basket

Best Thing of Today
Apologies (not from the cats, though)

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